Gibbs obtenu une première place et le qualificatif Excellent au Field trial à la française de Haguenau ce dimanche 25 octobre sous le jugement de Mr Philippe LARONDE. Un premier succès très prometteur.
NORDJCH – SEJCH – FIJCH Peruddens Jaktliga Freja
Data: HD/B AD/ua
Ögon ua 2012-07-11
GR PRA I testad fri
GR PRA II testad fri
1:a priser på C-prov EKL
Godkänd KKL
1:a pris Utställning
Owner : Kati Sandberg – Peruddens Kennel
Vesterlyng´s Token Of Clyde
Data: HD/A AD/ua
Ögon ua 2012-10-10
GR PRA1 test free
Prcd PRA test free
Ichtyosis test free
Bestået brukspröve
Bestået Kvalifikationspröve
Bestået Åbenklasse WT
1:a pris Åbenklasse dagens bästa hund
1:a pris Åbenklasse A -Prov Bestået Jägareförbundets apporterings prov 30p
WG 2 Vinder Brukshundeklassen utställning
Last holydays in Bretagne
Trialer Owlet’s Mentor
Anja – Respons Gnistrande Glimt-Ten
Born: 2003-02-17
Father: FINCH Amirene Tommy Boy
Exhibition: 1ökl/R-ökk, an open class, BOB-puppy.
Hunting: 1 ukl Golden Specialty 2004, 70 / 80p WT.
Mental and functionality as described
Other: Anja compete now in agility with success!
March 3, 2007 Anja got her first litter
Du bois de l’Estrée – on parle de nous
Hi Roland! Thanks for all the lovely pictures of Abi! It’s so great for me, and you of course!, that you have succeeded so well in the autumn! You may feel proud, Roland! I have written to Abi’s grandfather breeders, kennel Amirene, and told her about you. She wanted to have some pictures of Abi to her website. – Kristina Matsson
L’ éleveuse de Owlet’s Cayenne nous félicite
Congratulations on the success in the show ring! Great that Abi was placed 2nd and got excellent! – Kristina Matsson