We are fortunate to announce the birth of 11 Golden Retrievers from Leeloo and Gibbs. Everyone is doing well. All puppies are reserved.
Litter February 2021 – Run And Hunt Brdské zlato
We can confirm the good news. Puppies request is closed.
Litter 2021 – Run And Hunt Brdské zlato
Nichée Mai 2023 – Future Litter Willl to Please
Notre prochaine nichée est prévue pour le 14 mai 2023, avec Titus Golden Full Of Stars et notre femelle Ultimate Xena the Warrior du Bois de l’Estrée.
Notre objectif est de produire des chiots Golden Retriever de race, sains, de qualité tant pour la beauté et que pour le tempérament. Chaque parent est certifié pour la dysplasie de la hanche, du coude et des yeux (exempt de tares oculaires) avant la reproduction. Nos chiots seront élevés dans notre maison où ils auront entendu tout les bruits de la vie de tous les jours. Ils seront entièrement sociabilisé avec de nouvelles personnes, des enfants de tous âges, et plusieurs autres espèces d’animaux domestiques. Tous nos chiots seront examinés individuellement par notre vétérinaire agréé avant son adoption. Tous les chiots seront en ordre de vaccinations et enregistrés au SRSH, ainsi qu’une garantie écrite de bonne santé dans notre contrat d’adoption chiot. * Nous nous réservons le droit /l’ option du premier choix, pour un chiot que voudrions garder pour nous-mêmes. Nos portées sont élevés avec l’intention séléctioner les qualités du chien de travail et de beautée.
Inscription cloturée.
Our next litters, planned for the 14 may 2023 , will be sired by Titus Golden Full Of Stars and Ultimate Xena the Warrior du Bois de l’Estrée.
Our goal is to produce healthy purebred Golden Retriever puppies of extraordinary quality, beauty and temperament. Each parent must receive hip, elbow and eye clearances (Clear eye certificate) before the breeding will take place. Our puppies will be raised in our home where they will have heard all the sights and sounds of an active everyday household. They will be fully socialized with new people, children of all ages, and several other species of domestic pets. All of our puppies will be individually examined by our licensed veterinarian prior to adoption. All puppies will come with their necessary age appropriate vaccinations and SRSH registration, as well as a health guarantee written in our puppy adoption contract. * We reserve the right/option to first pick to choose a pup to keep for ourselves. Our litters are bred with the intent to keep a working/show prospect.
Last litter November 2019 – Run And Hunt Brdské zlato
We can confirm the good news.
Run And Hunt Brdské zlato -1 Exc Young class, BOB – BIG2 – 30-04-2017 at Amiens
Leeloo – Run And Hunt Brdske zlato ( Trovatore Della Val d’Aveto, I’m Your Heart Brdske zlato ”U” ) 1st Ex in the Junior class, BOB Junior class and BIG2 competition !!!
The breeder and us are very proud of our little Leeloo, she is only 14 months old.
Judge : Mr J.J. Dupas (F).
Run And Hunt Brdské zlato -1 Exc Young class, BOB, BIG3, BIS3 Junior – 10-04-2017 at Maubeuge
Leeloo – Run And Hunt Brdské zlato got was big star at dog show at Maubeuge in France. She won the Junior class, the BOB Junior, the BOB, BIG3 and 3. place in BIS Junior competition !!!
Our little lady is only 14 months old.
Judge : Mr J.J. Dupas (F).
Run And Hunt Brdské zlato -Excellent Young class – 05-03-2017 at Herve show

Leeloo – Run And Hunt Brdské zlato got a Excellent in young class at dog show of Herver 2017.
Run And Hunt Brdské zlato – 4 plc. Young class – 08-01-2017 at Genk show
Leeloo – Run And Hunt Brdské zlato got the 4 pl young class at dog show of Genk 2017 and looks very lovely on pictures!
Run And Hunt Brdské zlato – 1er plc. Baby class – 8-10-2016
Leeloo – Run And Hunt Brdské zlato won puppy class at dog show of Wollonia Dog Show and looks very lovely on pictures!